World Premiere Review!
Finalé Audio F-6 Hommage EF86 Edition Vaccum Tube Integrated Amplifier
The new F-300B EVO review by Wall of Sound
2022 PRELUDE Reviewed by WALL OF SOUND
2019 Toronto Audio Fest
Teaming up with Triangle Speakers / LUMIN (Server) / Musical Hall (Turntable) / Cables by XLO / iFI (Power Cleaner)
Photos below provided by Motet Distribution.

2018 Wall of Sound (Canada)
"Finale-ly: A Finale F-138 FFX Owner Takes The New F-168-II Integrated For An Extended Spin It’s always" [...]
2017 What's So Irresistible About a Single-Ended Triode (SET) Amp?
By Terry London | July 31, 2017
2017 Greece HIFI Show (HXOΣ ΕΙΚΟΝΑ Show)
Lots of positive feedback and a beautiful showroom presented by our associate , FRUIT OF THE TUBE of Thessaloniki, Greece
2017 Netherland HIFI Show ( Audio Show Alkmaar)
Show/Photos courtesy of Dune Blue High End Audio Distribution (Holland)
2016 6Moons Review
http://www.6moons.com/audioreviews2/finale/1.html by Mr Frederic Beudot
2016 TED Magazine Review (Autumn)
Triode Lab EL84TT x Finale Vivace Mini - Visit the link for more reviews!
2016 Singapore HIFI Show
Show/Photos courtesy of Raindrop Audio, Mr Ray Ng
2016 Finale 829B Transmitter Tube Speciale
“One morning, Jon Eben Field and Frank Fazzalari were over, and we listened to some orchestral music on Frank’s Coherent Audio Model 15’s, which were here for a week before going to Jon Eben’s place for review. After a while, I said, you guys really need to hear this 829B amp...holy mother of God!! Not only did we hear orchestras and kettle drums and lights, we also heard things from beyond the great beyond! We heard the music, there were plenty of "wow's", and I believe Frank said, he’d never heard his 15’s sound better. Soon my wife was calling from upstairs to see if everything was okay. I think it must have been the clatter of all those jaws dropping to the floor!”
— http://wallofsound.ca/
Reviewed the VIVACE mini / F-168 COMBO, by Jan-Erik Nordoen
En Francais - http://www.son-et-image.com/
English Version - CLICK HERE TO READ
2016 SSI Montreal, Canada
Reviews / Show Reports :
As seen at 3 Rooms! (Room Triode Lab, Room Finale Audio, and Room Oceillia Loudspeakers)
Visited by Rick Becker of Enjoythemusic.com http://www.enjoythemusic.com/Montreal_Salon_Audio_Audio_Fest_2016/
Visited by Art Dudley of Stereophile.com http://www.stereophile.com/content/montreal-salon-audio-day-one-part-two
"Speaking of Finale Audio, that company's Vivace Mini loudspeakers ($CDN3000/pair) sounded awesome—tactile, dynamically nuanced, and crazily involving ... has a sensitivity of 92dB and a nominal impedance of 16 ohms, and uses a 3" full-range driver—a descriptive to which I would normally add quotation marks, had I not heard them for myself."
2015 TAVES TORONTO, Canada
F-138 / F-138 FFX
“Without any music playing, I turned the volume pot all the way up and I was able to put my ear right next to the drivers without hearing any noise. Small wonder that I was able to hear so much inner detail in the music.”
— http://www.enjoythemusic.com/magazine/equipment/0115/Triode_Lab_Finale_F138_FFX_Review.htm
“How does it sound? Well, it sounds like a tube amp! I’ve heard a lot of tube amps lately that, for whatever reason, don’t sound “tubey”. This is neither good nor bad, it just is. This amp, to me, sounds like what a good tube amp SHOULD sound like. Yes, it is warm. It is smooth... it is laid-back. But it is also amazingly clear and transparent. Almost holographic sounding. It doesn’t sound bloated or fuzzy. It really just plays music in the most un-fatiguing way. Never a hint of any unpleasant distortion at all. Match the amp up with a quality pre-amplifier (Finale makes these too), and you’ll have very wide, spacious imaging, and perfect left/right balance.
A solid A+ piece of sweet sounding audio art. ”
— http://audioreview.ca/default.aspx?pagename=review&reviewID=7517